International curricula more or less important in Primary level
The first few years in school are most important in a child’s life. I believe that, most minds respond to a variety of learning at that age group. So it is important that the curriculum is also developed in a manner that prepares the child to respond to a variety of learning strategies in later part of life. In a situation were the world is globalizing rapidly and opening up to dramatic developments in all walks of life, a global outlook and a philosophy is necessary, taking into considerations the local cultural flavor. A serious concern among educators across the world is a certain lack of philosophical thread across organizations providing International education, and most learning curriculums are adhoc and lacks a vision that threatens to prevent a harmonious integration of the primary years with the further learning. The problem is further compounded by the primary teachers lacking in training in curriculum development. So invariably the primary teachers function as deliverers of learning modules rather than co-owners of learning curriculum. This lack of an organic bonding with the curriculum development mostly ends up in a sense of helplessness and frustration. Also until recently there was no International curriculum that was acceptable across the international teaching and learning community.
Importance of International Curriculum
The above back ground does portray clearly that the teachers as well as the schools must free themselves from the burden of producing their own curriculum. Even in situations were the curriculum was relevant and borne out of pragmatic needs. They were so far and rare that few benefited from the positives. Also in a scenario were many schools worked with many different curriculums, evaluation of learning became very difficult or at times impossible as essential learning across schools or across curriculum could rarely identified. In this light the evolution of a clear, coherent curriculum for international primary schools becomes a choice less necessity.Also considering the fact that I am a PE teacher, I could say with confidence that Physical Education is one subject were International Standardisation is possible and very relevant. An Internationally acknowledged PE curriculum could definitely raise fitness standards amongst learners and also different game skills and activities that could ultimately reflect on other spheres of their life.
The first few years in school are most important in a child’s life. I believe that, most minds respond to a variety of learning at that age group. So it is important that the curriculum is also developed in a manner that prepares the child to respond to a variety of learning strategies in later part of life. In a situation were the world is globalizing rapidly and opening up to dramatic developments in all walks of life, a global outlook and a philosophy is necessary, taking into considerations the local cultural flavor. A serious concern among educators across the world is a certain lack of philosophical thread across organizations providing International education, and most learning curriculums are adhoc and lacks a vision that threatens to prevent a harmonious integration of the primary years with the further learning. The problem is further compounded by the primary teachers lacking in training in curriculum development. So invariably the primary teachers function as deliverers of learning modules rather than co-owners of learning curriculum. This lack of an organic bonding with the curriculum development mostly ends up in a sense of helplessness and frustration. Also until recently there was no International curriculum that was acceptable across the international teaching and learning community.
Importance of International Curriculum
The above back ground does portray clearly that the teachers as well as the schools must free themselves from the burden of producing their own curriculum. Even in situations were the curriculum was relevant and borne out of pragmatic needs. They were so far and rare that few benefited from the positives. Also in a scenario were many schools worked with many different curriculums, evaluation of learning became very difficult or at times impossible as essential learning across schools or across curriculum could rarely identified. In this light the evolution of a clear, coherent curriculum for international primary schools becomes a choice less necessity.Also considering the fact that I am a PE teacher, I could say with confidence that Physical Education is one subject were International Standardisation is possible and very relevant. An Internationally acknowledged PE curriculum could definitely raise fitness standards amongst learners and also different game skills and activities that could ultimately reflect on other spheres of their life.
very intersting essay so far joel waitng for the links to the article to come in.
Marshwiggle23, at 12:06 AM
Interesting thoughts, Joel, and the link to the PE curriculum is nicely done. Are these thoughts initiated by reading Kevin Bartlett's article? Maybe you need to say what in that article inspired the thinking?
Tara Kini, at 5:11 PM
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