Sharing & Learning Together

Monday, January 30, 2006

Taking stock

Just to state the achievements of the CASW sessions so far: please feel free to correct me if I have missed anything or am incorrect in any fact.

Group 2 and Group 3 have met and had at least two presentations each and Group 3 is meeting on Wednesday starting with Gulab's presentation.
All members have blogged at least once after a CASW session, except Anu - have I missed your blog, Anu?
Some blogs have inspired a protracted discussion and the comments page is acquiring the look of a discussion board. This is great as it shows that the discussion is ongoing and serves the exact intended purpose of CASW - to build a community of practitioners!

Taking stock

Just to state the achievements of the CASW sessions so far: please feel free to correct me if I have missed anything or am incorrect in any fact.

  • Group 2 and Group 3 have met and had at least two presentations each and Group 3 is meeting on Wednesday starting with Gulab's presentation.
  • All members have blogged at least once after a CASW session, except Anu - have I missed your blog, Anu?
  • Some blogs have inspired a protracted discussion and the comments page is acquiring the look of a discussion board. This is great as it shows that the discussion is ongoing and serves the exact intended purpose of CASW - to build a community of practitioners!

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Great job, PPSEians!

I have just visited all the blogs that have postings after the CASW sessions and I am very excited.

Firstly, congratulations to the two groups on meeting as scheduled and kick starting the CASW process effectively. Your postings indicate that you have benefited from the meeting and enjoyed the same.

Secondly, I am energized by the fact that this has established professional dialogue between all of you that is of a high calibre. I feel this is at the crux of shared understanding about values that underlie curriculum.

Thirdly, I have posted a comment on each posting and asked some questions, (so has Shuichi), so maybe you would like to read that and respond. Please yell, if I have missed any posting.

Finally, it would be great if you could read each other’s posting after a CASW session. If you post your responses and reflections on the key questions, your contribution to the discussion and your reflection on the collaborative strategies and what your take away from each session is, this reading will be of great use to your colleagues as well as to you.

I look forward to the CASW meeting and responses of the third group!

Monday, January 23, 2006

Missing Blog!!!

Hi All!

For some strange reason my blog seems to be linked under 'Contributors' in the 'Sharing and Learning 'Blog and does not show up on the PPSE Blog Links. Please read and comment!!!!

Thanks! a reminder and a suggestion

Hello all! It has been a pleasure to go through the blog entries following the Jan 18th & 19th CASW sessions. Thank you, all!

A reminder to those who have not posted their reflections yet. Please do so at the earliest. It would be advisable to post soon after each session when your thoughts are still fresh in your mind...and definitely before you attend the next CASW session - we don't want thoughts/reflections getting mixed up.

A suggestion to all - presenters especially. In addition to a factual account of the CASW session which all of you have done remarkably well, please do add your post-session reflections.

  • Did you come away feeling satisfied?

  • (For Presenters) Do you find the plan of implementation satisfactory and manageable

  • Could things have been done differently?

  • ...

Your reflections are valuable feedback for us all.

Sunday, January 22, 2006


The blogs about the second plus two CASW session are up in the presenter's (Koshy's) and at least one of the participant's (Bala's) blogs. Please look at them.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

+2 group's first session

Today the plus two group of CASW had their first session. Hema was the presenter. Please look at my blog for my report. Koshy.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

(Tentative) CASW Meeting Schedules

Group 1: (Tara – Mentor)
Gudrun, Christina, Kalpana, Sandra, Uday, Gulab, Geeta

Dates: Jan 25th Wed 2.30 to 4.00 – Uday
Feb 1st Wed 2.30 to 4.00- Gulab
Feb 8th Wed 2.30 to 4.00- Kalpana
Feb 11th Sat 8.30 -Gudrun, Christina Geeta
Feb 22nd Wed 2.30 to 4.00- Sandra
March 1st Wed 2.30 to 4.00- Uday (2)
March 8th Wed 2.30 to 4.00- Gulab (2)
March 29th Wed 2.30 to 4.00-Kalpana(2)
April 3 to 7: Sandra Gudrun and Christina (2)

Group 2: (Shuchi – Mentor)
Hema, Koshy, Anu, Vijaya, Bala, Joel

Jan 18th Wed 2.30 to 3.45 – Hema
Jan 19th Thurs 8.45 to 10 – Koshy
Feb 2nd Thurs 8.45 to 10 – Joel
Feb 9th Thurs 8.45 to 10 – Anu
Feb 22nd Wed – 2.30 to 3.45 – Bala
March 2, Thurs 8.45 to 10 – Viji
April 3rd Monday – Review 1, 2, 3
April 6th Thursday – Review 4, 5, 6

Group 3: (Dharma – Mentor)
Srini, Anitha, Neela, Raji, Amaranathan, Mohua, Mahesh

Dates: Jan 18 – Wed (1.30 to 4.30) Anitha and Srini
Monday, Jan 23 1.30 to 3.00 – Mahesh
Saturday, Jan 28th 8.30 - Neela, Mohua, Raji, Amaranthan
Monday Feb 13th – 1.30 to 3.00 – Anitha
Wednesday, Feb 22nd – 1.30 to 4.30 Srini and Mahesh
Saturday, Feb 25th – 8.30 - Neela, Mohua, Raji and Amaranathan




Group, presenter


January 18, 06


2.30 to 3.45

II, Hema


January 18, 06


1.30 to 4.30

III, Anitha, Srini


January 19, 06


8.30 to 10

II, Koshy


January 23, 06


1.30 to 3.00

III, Mahesh


January 25, 06


2.30 to 4.00

I, Uday


January 28, 06


8.30 -

III, Neela, Mohua, Raji, Amaranathan



February 1, 06


2.30 to 4.00

I, Gulab


February 2, 06


8.30 to 10

II, Joel


February 8, 06


2.30 to 4.00

I, Kalpana


February 9, 06


8.30 to 10

II, Anu


February 11, 06


8.30 -

I, Gudrun, Christina, Geeta



February 13, 06


1.30 – 3.00

III, Anitha


February 22, 06


2.30 to 4.00

I, Sandra


February 22, 06


2.30 to 3.45

II, Bala


February 22, 06


1.30 to 4.30

III, Srini, Mahesh


February 25, 06


8.30 -

III, Neela, Mohua, Raji, Amaranathan



March 1, 06


2.30 to 4.00

I, Uday


March 2, 06


8.45 – 10

II, Vijaya


March 8, 06


2.30 to 4.00

I, Gulab


March 29, 06


2.30 to 4.00

I, Kalpana


April 3 to 7, 06

I, Gudrun, Christina, Geeta




April 3


II Hema Koshy Joel

Anu, Bala, Viji

April 6


II Anu Bala Vijaya

Hema, Koshy, Joel

Sunday, January 15, 2006

4 days of PPSE

Modules 3 and 4 are over.

The first two days dealt with a.learning "how the brain learns" and what strategies make it learn best and b. trying to apply that to a problem each of the twenty put forward from their own pratice.

The next two days consisted of familiarizing ourselves with the Tuning protocol and the CASL and then being introduced to CASW, the adaptive version of CERTAD.

Coming to grips with it and setting the dates for the sessions where we will try it out brought the four days to a fitting close.

Thanks to Tara's and Shuhci's faciltation things went well. Now for the CASW sessions.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

David Allen's article

I have just finished reading the articles and had a discussion with Koshy on the student articles posted on his blog. I wanted to comment on one aspect of Allen's article- 'Teaching Writing in the Open Field'especially suzie's story. While analysing student writing and guiding them to write more effectively, I have often found that specific written feedback on their writing, rather than general comments works wonders. Telling them in writing exactly what they need to do at a given point, rather than orally or doing the editing for them ; encouraging them to keep these drafts as evidence of improvement has proven to be effective. I have "learnt to watch for and to respect .....(the) child's growth in writing".

Thanks Koshy for the suggestion. (i will certainly put up the sample on the blog)

Monday, January 02, 2006

Made it

I have read both the essays. Gardner's nine intelligences are a bit confusing. Any explanations forthcoming?

Sunday, January 01, 2006


A happy New Year to everyone.