international curriculum at the primary level
Sorry for late entry!!!!........I have been doing some research in the interest of making my essay meaty and fact-based!! are some resources the people working on this topic can look into.Firstly, the library have proven to be a rich claudron of information .Several books on international curriculum floating around( currently two good books are with me!!!).Secondly our very own Hema Mandana's essays on international curriculum have been a saving grace.Fourtly , the other articles given to us , can also add a lot of value to our essay. I found the Howard Gardner's article "Cultures Educate" very useful .Last but not the least ,the net has proven to be pretty helpful this time around, especially with case studies!!
After skimming through the Kevin Bartlet article I got the idea of developing a questionnaire which (hopefully)seeks to answer the question : Is Developing an international curriculum at the primary level a possibility ?.
I would appreciate it if people would kindly revert back with their suggessions and comments on the same.